sexta-feira, 12 de outubro de 2012

Mahaprabhu and Prabhupada at Kumbha Melas

Mahāprabhu and Prabhupāda at Kumbha Melās

§     Mahāprabhu at Melās: around 1502 A.D. (1424 Śakābda cf. CC 2.19.18 P.)
§     Prabhupāda at Melās: 1925, 1928, 1971 and 1977.

·       Every year = melā (festival)
·       Every 6 years = Ardha (half Kumbha-melā (kumbha: jug)
·       Every 12 years = Kumbha-melā or Mahā Kumbha-melā (next: 2013)
·       Every 144 years = especially auspicious Kumbha-melā (last: 1977, next: 2121)

Kumbha-melä is the greatest congregation of human beings on earth. Every twelve years in Allahabad, sädhus and pilgrims from all over India gather at the Triveëé [...] A smaller version, the Mägha-melä, takes place annually during the month of Mägha (December-January). January of 1971, however, happened to fall halfway through the twelve-year cycle from one Kumbha-melä to the next, and the Melä was known as Ardha-kumbha-melä. Millions would attend, and Çréla Prabhupäda decided to take advantage of the opportunity and attend the Melä with his disciples to preach. (SPL Vedabase 2012.1 vol. 4, chap. 33)

Image: Prabhupāda at Ardha Kumbha Melā 1971

Sitting in his tent with his disciples, Prabhupäda explained the significance of Ardha-kumbha-melä. For millions of years, he said, this had been among the most sacred places in India. During the appearance of the tortoise avatära, when the demons and demigods had been churning immortal nectar, a drop of that nectar had fallen here. Since then, every six and twelve years certain auspicious planets form a jug, and this jug [kumbha], filled with immortal nectar, is said to pour that nectar upon the Triveëé. Lord Rämacandra and Hanumän appeared here in Allahabad, and here Lord Caitanya taught Rüpa Gosvämé the science of devotional service. Prabhupäda said he had also lived in Allahabad with his wife and family, and Çréla Bhaktisiddhänta Sarasvaté had initiated him at Allahabad's Rüpa Gosvämé Gaudiya Math in 1932. As for the Meläs [festivals], anyone who came and bathed at the auspicious times when the präëa was pouring down from the heavens was guaranteed either promotion to the heavenly planets or liberation.


Prabhupäda said that although most of the saints and sädhus present were inauthentic, many were perfect yogés, some of them three and four hundred years old. These yogés, from remote parts of India, would come out for the Melä and then return to seclusion. "I have personally seen," he said, "that they take bath in the Ganges and come up in the seven sacred rivers. They go down in the Ganges and come up in the Godävaré River. Then they go down and come up in the Kåñëä River, and go down, like that." The devotees, therefore, should respect everyone who attended the Melä. (SPL Vedabase 2012.1 vol. 4, chap. 33)

Prabhupäda began talking about the importance of sat-saìga, association with devotees, and Dr. Patel quipped, "Instead of doing sat-saìga, people go to Kumbha-melä!" He laughed, as if it were a good joke.

But Prabhupäda corrected him. "No," he said, "Kumbha-melä is sat-saìga. If you go to Kumbha-melä to find a man of knowledge, then your Kumbha-melä is right. Otherwise, yat-tértha-buddhiù salile na karhicit, sa eva go-khara. If one thinks that this salila, the water, that just to take bath in the water is Kumbha-melä, then he's a go-khara, a cow or an ass. But if he thinks, "Now there is an assembly of so many saintly persons, let me take advantage of their knowledge,' then he is intelligent."

Ever since Çréla Prabhupäda had arrived in Bombay, he had been questioned about the upcoming Kumbha-melä at Allahabad. The Mägh-melä occurred every year, but according to astrological calculations, a more auspicious occasion came every twelfth year: Kumbha-melä. And every twelfth Kumbha-melä (an event that occurred only once in 144 years) was especially auspicious. This year, 1977, was to be such a Melä, and the government was predicting an attendance of twelve million at the confluence of the holy rivers near Allahabad. Çréla Prabhupäda had said he would go.


Image: Tents Kumbha Melā 1977 (144 years cycle)

Image: Prabhupāda at Kumbha Melā 1977 (144 years cycle)

Dr. Patel's friends also mentioned the difficulties of extreme weather and crowds at Allahabad during the Melä. Çréla Prabhupäda, however, was not swayed. He was well acquainted with Allahabad, having lived there with his family from 1923 to 1936.

"In 1925," said Prabhupäda, "I went to the Melä[…]


Prabhupäda mentioned the 1928 Melä, when he was carrying his young child.


"It is actually a religious conference," Prabhupäda replied. "All the different groups gather in that holy place, and they propagate their philosophy there. India is a country of religion. They know spiritual life is more important than this material life-that is India. […] (SPL Vedabase 2012.1 vol.6, chap. 51)

Mahāprabhu on Melā at Prayāga and Instruction to Rūpa Gosvāmī

Image: Caitanya Mahāprabhu instructs Rūpa Gosvāmī at Prayāga

Çré Caitanya Mahäprabhu then went to Prayäga, where He bathed at the confluence of the Ganges and the Yamunä. He then visited the temple of Veëé Mädhava and chanted and danced there in ecstatic love.

PURPORT - The city of Prayäga is situated a few miles from the city of Allahabad. The name Prayäga is given due to successful sacrifices performed there. It is said, prakåñöo yägo yäga-phalaà yasmät. If one performs sacrifices at Prayäga, he certainly gets immediate results without difficulty. Prayäga is also called Tértharäja, the king of all places of pilgrimage. […] during Kumbha-melä people come from all over India to live there and bathe in the Ganges and Yamunä. Whoever goes there immediately feels the place’s spiritual influence. […] Many saintly people live there, and consequently it is very attractive from the spiritual point of view. (CC 2.17.149 and Purport Vedabase 2012.1)

[...] at Prayäga He told Rüpa Gosvämé about transcendental ecstatic love of Kåñëa. The Lord then embraced him very fondly and bestowed all His mercy upon him. (CC 2.19.120 Vedabase 2012.1)

For ten days Çré Caitanya Mahäprabhu stayed at Prayäga and instructed Rüpa Gosvämé, empowering him with the necessary potency. (CC 2.19.135 Vedabase 2012.1)

Previously I empowered your brother Rüpa Gosvämé to understand these mellows. I did this while instructing him at the Daçäçvamedha-ghäöa in Prayäga. (CC 2.23.102 Vedabase 2012.1)

Although these rivers were not able to flood Prayäga with water, Çré Caitanya Mahäprabhu inundated the whole area with waves of ecstatic love for Kåñëa. [...]Caitanya Mahäprabhu was ecstatic to see Lord Bindu Mädhava. The Lord was loudly chanting the holy name of Hari. Dancing in ecstatic love and raising His arms, He asked everyone to chant “Hari! Hari!” Everyone was astounded to see the greatness of Çré Caitanya Mahäprabhu. Indeed, I cannot properly describe the pastimes of the Lord at Prayäga. (CC 2.19.40-3 Vedabase 2012.1)

Imagem: Caitanya Mahāprabhu instrui Rūpa Gosvāmī em Prayāga

Compilação em português aqui
Compilation and abridgement [...] by David Britto, 26 set 2012
Available at blog Estudos Vaiṣṇavas
Related Post:  Mahā Kumbha Melā 2013

quinta-feira, 4 de outubro de 2012

Filme "Nimai de Nadia" Grátis Completo, DVD, legendas Português BR e EN

  • Versão completa original com 2h 19min de duração. (A versão da Iskcon ITV é reduzida com apenas 1h 20min faltando muitos kirtanas e outros trechos.)

  • Imagem: Sépia, Preto e Branco (Qualidade da imagem bem superior à da versão da Iskcon ITV)

  • Tradução das Legendas para o Português, Correção e Sincronização do Inglês: David Britto

Veja 4 trechos do filme e a qualidade da tradução:

Nimai de Nadia
Versão completa original com 2h 19min de duração.
Título original: Nader Nemai, Nader Nimai, Nadera Nemai
País: Índia
Ano: 1960
Duração: 2h 19min
Imagem: Sépia, Preto e Branco
Formato Imagem: Dvd 5, Pal, 4:3 Tela Cheia,
Gênero: Hagiografia, Biografia, Religião, Musical
Idioma Áudio: Bengali (canções: sânscrito, bengali e maithili)
Formato Áudio: Ac3-2 canais
Legendas: Português br e Inglês (canções sânscrito, bengali e maithili)
Tradução para o Português, Correção e Sincronização do Inglês: David Britto, Ago 2012,
Sinopse do Filme: Biografia de Chaitanya Mahaprabhu (1486-1534), um santo e reformador social hindu do século 16. Nascido na cidade de Nadia, região da Bengala, Índia, ele foi um famoso intelectual acadêmico, conhecido por Nimai. Ainda casado, passa a pregar o canto congregacional (sankirtana) dos nomes de Deus, Krishna, como o melhor processo espiritual para desenvolver amor extático por Deus nesta era. Funda, assim, uma vertente da religião vaishnava, centralizada no cantar dos nomes Krishna e de seus passatempos, que não exige nenhum pré-requisito de nascimento, raça, casta ou regras rígidas, promovendo assim um movimento de revolução social e religiosa. Chaitanya é considerado uma encarnação de Deus (avatara), como um devoto extático perfeito, principalmente pelos chaitanyaistas (gaudiya vaishnavas), conhecidos no ocidente como hare krishnas. O filme, produzido por diretores e atores conceituados da Índia na década de 60, mostra a primeira metade de sua vida, do nascimento até os 24 anos, quando aceita a vida de monge renunciado. Seus seguidores diretos deixaram vasta literatura teológico-filosófica com seus ensinamentos. A segunda metade de sua vida é representada no filme Mahaprabhu de Nilachala.

Diretor: Bimal Roy
Diretor Musical: Rathin Ghosh
Elenco: Ashim Kumar, Chhabi Biswas, Gurudas Bannerjee, Jahar Ganguly, Jahar Roy, Moni Shrimani, Nitish Mukherjee, Renuka Roy, Sabita Basu, Satya Bannerjee, Shobha Sem, Shyam Laha, Tulsi Chakraborty


          AVI Nimai de Nadia - torrent - googledrive .rar - 1 arquivo
          DVD Nimai de Nadia - torrent - googledrive .rar
          Trilha Sonora Mp3 - torrent - googledrive .rar
Related news: Filme"Nimai de Nadia" Grátis Completo, DVD                          Trilha Sonora (Soundtrack) Nimai of/de Nadia - (Nader Nimai Nemai) Mp3